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معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية  613623
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منتدى الانوار من فضاء تيميمون

معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية  613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
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شكرا معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية  829894
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2 مشترك

    معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية

    نائب المدير
    نائب المدير

    معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية  Do
    عدد المساهمات : 4025
    نقاط : 7847
    السٌّمعَة : 55
    تاريخ الميلاد : 22/01/1978
    تاريخ التسجيل : 17/08/2009
    العمر : 46

    معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية  Empty معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية

    مُساهمة من طرف yahia_01 الجمعة مارس 23, 2012 9:03 pm

    معلومات عن الكنغر باللغة الانجليزية

    Animal with fur, jumps on its hind feet. Kangaroos are the largest in size of individuals in the group of mammals called the follicular mammals. To the females of these animals bag or pouch on the abdomen, which put the newborn be a size too small, and complete its growth in the bursa
    Home: kangaroos live in Australia and only in the nearby islands


    Red and gray kangaroos are kangaroo family members months. Grow Kangaroo Red and gray a little more than kangaroo euro, and the length of most of the Red Kangaroo and gray to about 1.8 m while the weight to 45 kg, but Male Red Kangaroo can grow until it reaches a length of more than two meters, and increases the weight of 70 km, and features female
    as much smaller than males

    And the head of a small kangaroo-like head of deer and has a pointed front, and the ears to the top of two large Mentsptin can be administered from the back forward. And kangaroo fur covers the body with a short colors vary by type. The fur color of most species can be either brown or gray. And fur color may vary for members of one type. For example, said the Red Kangaroo, the fur color is either red or gray, and the female the color is blue gray

    The advantage that the kangaroo has legs strong background and large, while the front legs are small, and the tail grows larger species to more than 90 cm in length. The kangaroo uses its tail to keep its balance during the jump, as well as to support himself while standing up, or when two men walk on four. The kangaroo jumps when it uses its hind legs only, which Tnhrkan together at one time. Can a large kangaroo that being speed of 64 km / h for short distances, as can be for him to jump over the barriers which have a height of 1.8 m

    Red Kangaroo:

    This type usually live for between 6 and 8 years in its natural environment. With the exception of females with their young lives, this type live most of his time alone. But several hundreds of red kangaroos live in a group, and in the case of scarcity of water and food. Red Kangaroo and remains at rest during the day, looking for food during the night and in the summer. But in the cold months is fed during the day

    Red Kangaroo paired throughout the year except for periods of scarce food and water. The female lays one month after mating, and a small one in the abdominal Jrabha - if not found in a small pouch in old age. The length of the newborn about 2.5 cm, and be the eyes and ears and hind legs are undeveloped. Following the birth of the newborn crawls into the mother's abdominal pouch. There Balhelmat attaches itself to suckle from the milk. The mother can be downloaded from the new within a few days after birth. But do not put any new small, but after it leaves the young previous abdominal pouch. Often this is after six months of birth, and then back again to the case of bursitis in his sense of danger. But leaves the follicle, never to return after about eight months. During the day can be for the mother to develop a new small to replace Little, who was in Jrabha

    Protection from extinction

    There are kangaroos in the present day very large numbers, after taking its numbers to decline as a result of hunting, Today, all states of Australia have enacted special laws to protect the future of these animals. Authorities do not agree on the extent of influence that can be caused by kangaroos to provide grass for sheep and cows. Have shown evidence that the kangaroo has led to a minor differences in the number of herds that can be supported. It seems that a large kangaroo has become safe from extinction, especially after the development of policies for each state from the states of Australia, relating to hunting of this animal and increase the number of public parks. The kangaroo is small in size from the same family, it is more likely to hunt


    Is a sign of God's creation, God created the animals of which walked on four like most animals, such as walking on two legs like birds and humans. Australian Kangaroo and animal origin and belongs to the family of living which does not include the others are types of tree kangaroos and rat kangaroos and wallabies or kangaroos small.

    The tree kangaroo is characterized by equality of the length of the feet with the feet of Imam rear. Most other types of kangaroo front Vergelha very short Mqarndta their feet and back on, it does not walk on them, but used to lean on them only when eating his food.

    The kangaroo is not moving, walking or going up, but it jumps Advances have sometimes three meters wide and eight meters and a speed of up to ninety kilometers per hour. As if God Almighty wants us to reflect on its endless to create confusion and the species has created short-and long-term high and precious, rapid and slow the walk, which shall be conducted in the jumps and the fly, which swim and everything in between has created everything from every color, sex and type has not only created one type, but of each sex of many species and many of the forms and all the developments, the creatures of the universe of nature, what is the need for the diversity of forms and all forms of mutations. Kangaroo eats grasses of the plains and jungles and areas of dense trees.

    As for the other verse in this object are breeding and Nestle. Vonty kangaroos breed between the months of October and December. Gestation period is too short not to exceed thirty-three days, while the carrying of the sheep for example, five months before the situation twenty-four hours begins the female Belhs powers of her tongue to clean the bursa abdominal content on the four nipples and her tongue also Tlthm line abdominal, which starts from the exit hole small, which ends at bursa Viatri flag of this strange behavior and the importance of hygiene Adraha for this weak newborn.
    And when an hour of birth lean female Bzarha on the palm and look as if they were sitting and put her tail between her legs, and here begins the extraordinary phenomenon of the emergence of a crimson color embryo 2.5 cm long and weighs several grams is completely free
    Lint did not complete its growth after a blind and deaf Odhu parties other than full-grown like a worm. This starts with the baby non-sighted to use his muscles weak and lonely without the help of one or even from his mother to follow the line of the called his mother before and up to the pocket or Jrabha where drops inside, if it turns around in every direction until it finds on the nipples of his mother swollen with milk life any Ijaz this it is aware of this object This behavior is strange and presented to the way he does not hear or see if the design of nature as claimed by natural and atheists, what is the need of nature to urgently remove the fetus to complete its growth outside the womb as the need for it, how to guide these cells, which without Parties and without hearing or eyesight to find a long way

    compared to the size of her mother's pocket, which would eliminate the period of custody and to the nipples, which will provide them with food to complement growth. It is a miracle of the Creator wants us to like and understand its ability Consider if out like a fetus from the womb of Rights have been able to live and grow, how despite all the rights of science and technology, medicine and the possibilities of studies and may mimic the mother's womb.

    The progress of scientific, who arrived to human so far failed to custody of the fetus only within the womb or children of the pipe, which we hear about what is only the process of fertilization of the egg with sperm in the industrial conditions outside the reproductive system of the mother if there were problems prevent this then takes the doctor and using high technology very zygote to be put back into the womb of the mother. How can a fetus Alkongaro to grow outside the womb of a nation In this pouch for a period of eight months proceeding the small of his childhood and adolescence my journey and become the main place of residence bursa.

    مراقب عام
    مراقب عام

    عدد المساهمات : 3120
    نقاط : 5782
    السٌّمعَة : 47
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/11/2011

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    مُساهمة من طرف baghdad الثلاثاء مايو 08, 2012 12:25 am

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت نوفمبر 23, 2024 10:35 am